Parents » A Habit of Attendance

A Habit of Attendance

Welcome to Union Hill!
At Union Hill, we believe in supporting the whole child and fostering a positive, equitable, and safe learning environment for all students. We aim to provide a welcoming and engaging academic and social experience resulting in students wanting to attend school consistently.
Studies reveal a direct correlation between attendance and academic performance, with students who attend school regularly exhibiting higher grades and overall academic achievements. Moreover, attendance contributes significantly to the development of social and emotional skills, as consistent interaction with peers and educators helps students build meaningful relationships and enhances their emotional well-being.
By prioritizing attendance, Union Hill empowers students with the tools they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, ensuring a brighter and more promising future for all.
Did you know that a habit of attendance in the early grades sets students up for success later on?
Read more about how you can help your child succeed by building the habit of good attendance early in the following resources.