Academics and Curriculum
Union Hill School District supports our students by offering a rigorous and evidence-based curriculum and instruction through a Multitiered System of Support (MTSS) framework. Our curriculum in Math, Science, English-Language Arts, and Social Science integrates traditional instructional materials with innovative and authentic assessments and classroom pedagogy consisting of small-group collaboration, project-based learning, and discussions that focus on critical thinking and evaluating content as it applies to the real world.
An MTSS framework demands a rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum. Tier 1 supports approximately 80% of our students where the instruction is differentiated to support the individual needs of each student. For students who require additional support (approximately 15%) Tier 2 strategies are implemented by the teacher to ensure the concepts and learning outcomes are met. For some students (approximately 5%) Tier 3 support is needed which often requires additional strategies outside of the classroom setting.
It is our goal that classroom teachers monitor the progress of each and every student to achieve the desired learning outcomes and, if applicable, support a student's IEP or 504 plan. Ongoing formative and standards-based assessments determine learning gaps and help guide which tiered interventions should be provided to support our students.
In addition to our core academic curriculum, including physical education, Union Hill offers many exciting elective curricula as well. This includes a full music program, robotics and technology, advanced math, art, stage skills, Game of Life, Leadership, Advanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Supported Studies, and an Advisory period for 6-8 students.
Our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Goal 1 (College and Career Readiness) states that “Students will be prepared for grade-level transition through equitable access to rigorous standards-aligned learning and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.”
We, as a staff, strongly believe in continual learning for our students, but also, in providing our teachers with professional learning opportunities in standards-aligned learning. This includes frequent assessments and the strategies inherent in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to minimize and eliminate student barriers in order for each and every student to reach their fullest potential.
Bearcat Strong!